RIP Fang…

I have sad news to share, Fang has crossed over to the land of never-ending cat beds and carrot-shaped toys…

Euphemisms aside, turns out he didn’t have a sprained foot, he had thrown a huge blood clot and his heart was failing so I had him put to sleep earlier today.

Though his time as feral Fang was short, I like to think he enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame with all of you… 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Frightened Fang…

Something is wrong with Fang, he’s been crying and there seems to be something wrong with his hind leg. He’s evaded my attempts to capture him, here’s an upshot of him trying to get up the bathroom vanity and into the drawer…

Finally caught him! We’re off to the vet, hopefully they’ll be able to patch him up…

Still life, with rhino…

I finally cracked the code for Fang’s food, he’s now eating everything’s his plate! I’m relieved I can’t feel every vertebrae in his spine every time I pet him but is it just me or is he looking a bit chonky these days? #sigh

That look…

Fang has started rubbing his head on my legs while I work and today, he flopped over next to me!

That look though… even when he wants something from me, he’s still judging me… 🤣🤣🤣

Lazy AF…

Fang refuses to let me pet him when he’s all cute and cozy in his bed but he’s too lazy to get all the way out so he just sort of tumbles off it and let’s me pet him like this…. 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

We’ve had a day…

I walked in on Fang peeing today. I didn’t do it on purpose – the bathroom light was off, I was looking down at what was in my hand, suddenly there was a mid-pee scramble…

He ran straight to Safehouse #1 (aka under the sofa) and wouldn’t come back out. Of course, I eventually forgot he was in Safehouse #1 and shifted the sofa, causing him to scramble to Safehouse #4 (aka under the bed).

Didn’t seen him all day, he’s finally come out and now he’s just sitting there, giving me the hairy eyeball… 🤣🤣🤣

Sofa cat!!!

Tomorrow is our 4 month anniversary and Fang gave me a gift tonight, he jumped up on the sofa, let me pet him and then sat with me a while! When I started fostering this toothless feral little lunatic, I didn’t think we’d ever get here – it’s been quite the ride…

We’ve had good days – the first time he figured out cat beds; the first time he played with toys; every time he jams his head into me demanding pets and purring…

We’ve had bad days – him peeing in my sneaker; the Great Litter Box War of 2020; ANY attempt to clip his nails…

He‘s made me laugh – discovering him in a drawer (aka Safehouse #2); wondering how a cat who’s lived on the streets for 7 years can choose not eating over eating hamburger meat; learning the downside of socializing a feral cat with food because he demands food the very same way he demands pets so one time I was offering him mackerel skin and he jammed his head straight into it and rubbed…

He’s made me sad – looking at his little snipped ear; that he always looks mad or sad because he has no teeth to hold his lips up; his little voiceless meow (that also confuses the heck out of me because he has a voice, he used to sit on top of his house in Thunderdome and yowl his fool head off)…

All in all, I think we make pretty great covid companions… #luckygal #feralfang